Ace Director A.R.Murugadoss in a recent interview to a Tamil Magazine finally opened up onKaththi and revealed some intresting titbits on the movie. Here are some of the highlightsfrom the above interview
- Though i have made many commercially successful films, i keep being told thatRamana is my best film, I always wanted to do a film which surpasses that and that's Kaththi.
- We have put in so much more hard work for Kaththi than Thuppakki, IfThuppakki was mass, Kaththi will be class. Since Thuppakki was a thriller it was fast paced but Kaththi is a heavy subject and will move at a leisurely pace. Awareness is the core of the film.
- Dual role is something very new for me and we have taken meticulous care of Vijay's mannerisms. One Vijay is a con man and Another vijay in the film is very Special.
- Kaththi will be remembered for the next 10 years, You wouldn't have seen Vijay like this ever before. I wanted Kaththi to be unique and more importantly better than Thuppakki and now it has happened.
- Kaththi will be a big break for Samantha, On seeing her working style we expanded her character in the film.