5 Reasons Why Men Scared Of Marriage.

“Are men really scared of marriage?”  Why are men scared of marriage? Here Are The Reasons;

Reasons Why Men Scared Of Marriage.

Reason #1: More responsibility

“Of course men are scared of marriage because they don’t want the burden of having extra responsibility on their shoulders for one more person. Considering that they can hardly take care of themselves emotionally, physically and financially, the thought of one more person is obviously scary”.

Reason #2: Loss of freedom

 “We’re scared that we’ll lose our space and freedom of doing things by ourselves at our own time and convenience. You ladies wouldn’t like it if we went out for a drink with the boys every other day, right??. We agree to this and think that’s a really good reason why men are scared of marriage! 

Reason #3: Thinking for two people

“Another reason why men are really scared of marriage is because they have to start thinking, talking and behaving on behalf of two people instead of one. We can’t agree to impromptu holidays or unplanned expenses. Because after marriage, two people are involved, aren’t they?”.

Reason #4: Unlimited expenses

Believe it or not friends, one of the important reasons why men are scared of marriage is the kind of expenses they would have to bear for another person coming into their lives. “It’s not about daily expenses. Women love taking exotic vacations, doing up the interiors and shopping for clothes. And all this comes with heavy price tags”.

Reason #5: Moral limitations

More than marriage, men are scared of commitment, we think. The woman in their life becomes their moral police. They have to restrict being flirtatious at work and say a big goodbye to polygamous relationships and one night stands. We’re pretty sure this could be a major reason why most men are scared of marriage.

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